Larry Ernest Buxton

Larry is from Mercer, Pennsylvania where he currently lives with his wife Abby, and children; Christopher and Molly. He Studied Architectural Design at the Educational Institute of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Currently retired as a building contractor, Larry has designed and built new homes, as well as additions. He has been involved in period restorations for individuals and the Mercer County Historical Society.

Larry’s influences for furniture and design are primarily Gustav Stickley and George Nakashima. Larry shares Nakashima’s appreciation of wood, its beauty and potential to become functional art.

Through the past decade Larry has participated in shows to include: The Grove City College Art Show, Grove City, Pa., Art All Night in Pittsburgh, Pa., and The Hoyt Institute of Fine Art, New Castle, Pa. He has shown tables and sculpture at the La Font Gallery, Carson Street, Pittsburgh, Chez, Ellsworth Ave., Pittsburgh, Studio Z, Carson Street, Pittsburgh, and The Pottery Dome, Leesburgh, Pa.

Travel through the United States, Canada, Central America to include Mexico, Belize and Guatemala have also inspired his interest in nature and art.